Legal Notices
Software Engineering Company – All rights reserved – 1998/2011
National registry number (SIREN) SIREN : 387 837 032 – Code NAF : 6202A
Simplified corporation with a capital of 281.280€
Président: Vincent GARDEAU
Hosted by: OVH
Intellectual Property
The Contents of this site is copyrighted and trademarked. The french legislation, through article L122-4 in the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle (Data Protection Act), prohibits the distribution, reproduction, and/or public display of data that is copyrighted/trademarked without the written permission of the copyrighted/trademark owner. The same applies to unauthorized translation, adaptation or transformation or any arrangement or reproduction by any art or means.
Under the french Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés), article 34 grants you the right to access, modify, correct or delete any data related to you.
Internet website
This website is the property of CELAD. Its domain name is:
Information contained in this document may change at any time. It is available for informational purposes only and can under no circumstances be considered as binding.
- Published by: CELAD
- Consulting, graphical design, ergonomy and development: CELAD
- Contents Management platform: CMS WordPress
- Ergonomy and technology: WordPress Components and modules.
- Photos: credits Istock
- Graphical styles design and layout: CELAD production
All copyrights owned by their respective brands, be it by companies themselves or the developers of the WordPress Components and modules, under GNU/GPI license.
All administrative formalities required by law have been properly carried out.
This website’s general structure as well as its featured texts, images -both animated and fixed- and every item are the sole property of CELAD.
Any full or partial reproduction of the contents of this website or any extraction of a considerable part of its attached database is prohibited without a written agreement issued by CELAD.
Such reproduction or display by any means of this website or the data it contains would qualify as forgery and would call for penalty under article L. 335-2 and the following in the Code de la propriété intellectuelle (French Intellectual Property Act), and could also constitute a lawful penalty in the terms of article n°78-17 on January 6th, 1978 of the French Data Protection Act (Loi informatique et liberté).
Users of this website are required to abide by the dispositions of the french Data Protection Act (Loi informatique et libertés) lest they be exposed to lawful penalties. This includes but is not limited to refraining, when accessing nominative data, from unfairly collecting or unapropriately using said data and more generally from any act that would likely infringe on one’s privacy or human rights.
Automatic processing of nominative data must undergo formal procedures with the Commission National de l’Informatique et des Libertés (the french Protection Act National Commission).